
Deliverable NumberDeliverable TitleDownloadDue Month
D8.1Ethics Deliverablefor the recent version see last row1
D1.1Use Case Description and RequirementsPDF6
D6.1Initial Data Management PlanPDF6
D7.1Quality AssurancePDF6
D4.1 Platform Architecture and API documentationPDF10
D2.1Initial progress report on continuous massive stream learningPDF12
D3.1Initial progress report on speech and natural language processingPDF12
D5.1Evaluation PlanPDF12
D6.2Impact PlanPDF12
D1.2Initial Prototype ReportPDF15
D2.2Initial release of stream learning and entity
linking capabilities
D2.3Initial release of segmentation, summarization and news classification capabilitiesPDF15
D3.2Initial release of transcription, punctuation, translation, voice synthesis capabilitiesPDF15
D3.3Initial release of post-editing and user feedback capabilitiesPDF15
D4.2Initial platform release with the primary NLP pipelinePDF15
D6.3Interim Data Management PlanPDF18
D7.2Interim Periodic ReportPDF20
D1.3Intermediate Prototype ReportPDF24
D2.4Intermediate progress report on continuous massive stream learningPDF24
D2.5Intermediate release of stream learning and entity linking capabilitiesPDF24
D2.6Intermediate release of segmentation, summarization and news classification capabilitiesPDF24
D3.4Intermediate progress report on speech and natural language
D3.5Intermediate release of transcription, punctuation and translation, voice synthesis capabilitiesPDF24
D3.6Intermediate release of post-editing and user feedback capabilitiesPDF24
D4.3Intermediate platform with continuous massive stream learning NLP capabilitiesPDF24
D5.2Interim Evaluation ReportPDF24
D6.4Interim Impact ReportPDF24
D1.4Final Prototype ReportPDF39
D2.7Final progress report on continuous massive stream learningPDF39
D2.8Final release of continuous massive stream learning toolsPDF39
D3.7Final report on speech and natural language processingPDF39
D3.8Final release of speech and natural language processing toolsPDF39
D4.4Final platform release with full continuous massive stream learning capabilitiesPDF39
D4.5Demonstrator for use case onePDF39
D4.6Demonstrator for use case twoPDF39
D5.3Final Evaluation ReportPDF39
D6.5Final Data Management PlanPDF39
D6.6Final Impact ReportPDF39
D7.3Final Periodic Progress ReportPDF39
D8.1Ethics UpdatePDF39