The following projects are covering technologies close to SELMA
MONITIO – MONITIO aims to bring Media Monitoring to a new disruptive level, and place European technology in the lead of AI-powered Media Monitoring services.
TRAINER – TRAINER conducts research and develops transfer learning approaches for several NLP components (question answering, text summarization, topic labelling, entity linking, relation extraction).
ON-TRAC – The ON-TRAC project proposes to radically change the architectures currently used in speech translation. It is based on end-to-end neural models for machine translation and focuses on light and portable speech translation applications.
GoURMET – The “Global Under-Resourced Media Translation” project aims at advancing low-resource deep learning for natural language applications to develop high-quality machine translation for low-resource language pairs.
DEEP-Privacy – DEEP-PRIVACY proposes a new paradigm based on a distributed, personalized, and privacy-preserving approach for speech processing, with a focus on machine learning algorithms for speech recognition.
AISSPER – AISSPER aims to develop new deep end-to-end (speech-to-concept) neural approaches for Spoken Language Understanding.
VoicePersonae – VoicePersonae focuses on diverse topics related to voice identities such as speech synthesis, voice conversion, speaker recognition, presentation attack detection, media forensics, speech anonymization and speech privacy.
AI4Media – AI4Media develops deep-learning-based metadata enrichment for media data (object recognition, trailer generation).
AI4EU – AI4EU develops a European platform and ecosystem for artificial intelligence resources and algorithms.
ELG – The European Language Grid aims to strengthen the commercial European Language Technology landscape by establishing a pan-European marketplace.
HPLT – The High Performance Language Technology project aims to provide a space that combines petabytes of natural language data with large-scale model training. It is funded by Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.
The SELMA project is a member of the BDVA – The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is an industry-driven international not–for-profit organisation with more than 200 members all over Europe and a well-balanced composition of large, small, and medium-sized industries as well as research and user organisations.