Media Monitoring (Monitio)

Observing and analyzing the world news. This is what Monitio can do. In many languages – it even translates whole articles into English or into other selected languages. It enables fast and on-the-fly search using keywords and filters. Results can be monitored and sent to the inbox.

Screenshot Monitio Platform
Screenshot of the Monitio Media Monitoring platform

Image shows search results in tiles view (search parameters: English language, last month); size of the tiles is dependent on the number of clustered articles; the highest number of articles relate to the Israel Palestine conflict. Most tiles show the headline, some show a picture. The view is dynamically switching between headline and header image.

SELMA contribution

  • Improvement of NER models leading to precise retrieval
  • Improvement of backend capabilities (scaling)
  • Ability for on-demand translation from many languages into selected target languages


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