My year with plain X 

My year with plain X 

Artificial intelligence in journalism:  In newsrooms worldwide, there is a heated debate about what it means for the future of the media industry and its employees. First attempts to have texts written by AI-fueled systems are viewed with suspicion, and every mistake...
Who Spoke When?

Who Spoke When?

Use of voice fingerprints in multi-speaker recordings — Speaker Diarization A journalist’s life is made easier if questions like these can be resolved right away: What was said when? How often does the person speak, and where exactly is the audio or video? SELMA...
A Yummy Piece of Cake

A Yummy Piece of Cake

What does machine learning in the language field have to do with a cake, you might ask yourself? And how does it come that in the end we can produce better subtitles? Don’t look any further- read on! Let them be cake! Facebook’s AI Director Yann LeCun...