Final User Event

90 minutes (11:00-12:30 CET), place: online (MS Teams; doors open at 10:50am)

On 21.3.2024 we will have the final SELMA user event, focussing on prototypes and results for journalists and the media industry! You also get insights about AI, Scaling and Multilingual Machine Translation in (under-resourced) language domains from research partners (University of Avignon, University of Latvia, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and Priberam) and we showcase our output including live demos from Deutsche Welle. You are most welcome to join!

#Monitio (MediaMonitoring) #plainX (Transcription, Translation, Subtitling and Voice-over) #SELMAOpenSource #PodcastCreator #DiversityMonitoring #Accessibility #NLPBenchmarking #SearchInSpeech #LargeDataStreams #DiarizationPrototype #Wikipedia/Wikidata #SummarizerApp #EthicalAI #SpeakerApp #Scaling (TokenQueue) #MachineLearning #BiasInData

Join the discussion (during the Event)

Use this link (Menti voting)
OR join at, code: 8637 1692 OR use the QR code below

You are welcome to provide feedback (Questionnaire)

3 short questions – Share your insights with us! – use this MS form or the QR code below


Agenda with Keynote about AI & Media - What the newsroom needs today and research and innovative solutions, plus a session on open-source tools
Agenda of the SELMA event

SELMA Final User Day